Saturday 10 May 2014


Declaration Of War : Against United Kingdom ?
Will The Global Indigenous 500+ Million Peoples Coalition Upset the UN ?
Are PM Borden's Commitments To Servicemen Enforceable Today ?
[n.b. Rt Hon Harper Resigned As M.P. Aug 26th 2016]
[Canada has recently argued in court that it does not have any special care and nurturing obligation toward its veterans; even though Prime Minster Borden [with the acquiescence of Cabinet] gave such assurances in order to guarantee 500,000 soldiers to WWI European front lines as a mechanism to gain nationhood recognition - it was, also, at this time that Canada interned 4,000 Ukrainians in Canada as possible hostile aliens; and, additionally registered another 80,000 - requiring them to report to police; many lost all personal possessions to the gaolers]

Question : "What have the military and RCMP veterans' care and nurturing claims got to do with indigenous Peoples claims to land and consultation?" Answer : "Everything" : Respect / Siem'stum. In fact, the future survival of the UN is directly tied to these issues through the rights of the child. It is about the Coronation Oath, the Hudsons Bay Company Charter; and Legacies of 1613.
In this period immediately following the national honouring of Canadian military personnel who served in Afghanistan, it is appropriate to reflect on our similarities to ancient Thebes. In both instances there is a significant aboriginal context - one that is integral in successful governance. And, there is the political leadership issue of honouring commitments to its military.

In our previous articles Ab Initio Law and Us Versus Them we began to unravel the sophisticated network of commercial machinations that are at the root of military undertakings. All war is about wealth - of depriving others in favour of our national goals. And, the CSQQN declaration to the UN Security Council in 2013 commences the challenge to the integrity of the Credentials Committee - implementing the specific challenge to monarchical Canada's state nation 1867 confederation.

Again, the core of the matter to the binary claims of veterans and indigenous Peoples is focused through the in situ integrity [or, absence of it] of the Coronation Oath : the violation of which is defined as a contravention of UK criminal law.

Canada's commercial sector is managed by the US corporate elite - as originally financed through Old Europe "Firms". The US is the assigned "cop on the block"; spending more on its military behemoths than the rest of the world combined. And, within this scenario; Canada has graduated from being a peacemaker through the UN, to being a US cohort in seconding citizens into invasive military service.

As with Thebes, Canada may find it difficult to be a warrior nation.
Posted by : Goodwin RC / Editor ; +1NewsCentral : WEB
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